How to Get Free Money Without Being Lazy

Wayne C. Sun
12 min readJul 9, 2020


The year is 2020, Getting Free Money has never been easier

The title says it all, if you’re an Australian — you’ll walk away from this article with some free money in your pocket no catches, no gimmicks and definitely no scams. And if you’re not lazy you could walk away from this $50-$100 dollars richer, and probably make compounds or multipliers from that easy money if you have the talent for it.

At present time of writing, the free money given out here is only eligible for Australian bank account holders, however I’m open to providing links for other nationalities (PM me for opportunities)

Why am I doing this? Quite frankly because I’m sick and tired of friends, distant relatives and odd people or bots on the internet constantly nagging me for donations or to give money away.

I’ve written another article on “how I made enough money to retire in just 2 years and what I’ve learnt from it” (Soon to be Published) which I am also hoping that one of you may find usefulness in it and choose to wisely deploy your time, energy and capital into joining the young and retired crowd (FIRE Movement).

For those who Don’t want to read any further…….

Links That Give You Free Money Here (TLDR Version)

These are legitimate, fully legal/ compliant / tech startups or fintech (Financial Technologies) companies willing to reward and incentivize you with some money when you join or use their solution; similar to how PayPal gave out free money when they were just starting out. Their incentive? They will likely make their money back from you in the long run if you like their product.

I’ll be talking about these companies and their products later in this article, so that you don’t feel alienated and lost once you’ve downloaded them.

Is it Really Free? Yes it is! However, some of them requires a small deposit that you can later withdraw hassle free! Which I do not recommend — as there are plenty to learn from using these apps.

Raiz: (Get $5–$10 easily, hassle free — small deposit required)

Stake: or referral code waynes524 (Get a free Stock which you can sell or trade for dollars or another stock — very tiny deposit required)

Spaceship: use promo code S8TH2F1P9W (Get a quick $5 — Minute deposit needed)

Up Bank: (Obtain $10 tiny deposit required)

BlockFi: One of my favourite companies of all time and you’ll soon find out why. (They'll give you $10–$100 however large deposit required) : or my referral code x6etfsup3f (Easiest $50 — fairly large deposit is needed)

Perhaps you’re bummed out now, because in your head I lied to you. Maybe you’re disappointed that free isn’t really free and that free required some effort, and that extracting value from these companies and apps is hassling you. Let me tell you this, the most important thing for human life is free of charge and it requires effort.

Here’s my Logic to that:

Oxygen is Free

To utilise oxygen humans have to breathe.

Breathing = Effort

Perhaps the free money is “too small” to be worth your time and effort. One of my mentors who bills corporations an hourly rate of $2000 literally took the time to sign up and to get $5.

His reasoning, the average Australian earns $25-$35/ hr in Australia. “If it takes me 5 minutes to earn $5. Then I just made a $60/hr wage which is double the average person makes on a per minute basis.”

Here’s my final take if that still didn't convince you to reach out for your mobile phone and take the free money.

If you do not take 3–5 minutes to get your free money; however small the amount is, despite the process being effortless, easy and convenient. Then you probably deserve to stay poor and jealous of those who took the red pill in life. And to be honest, you’ll probably miss the chance at bigger — better — larger opportunities of getting free money.

As wealth and economic status literally has an influence on health, at the very least after reading this, consider taking the Free Money offered by various platforms as an incentive to get your skin in the game — gain more financial literacy and learn a lifelong skill which is investing.

Is Investing Risky? Is it just Gambling?

Maybe you have an uncle, close friend or have experienced it first hand. Losing money on investments can be painful, after-all it can be difficult to know when, where and what to invest into.

What I’d like to get across is that we are all investors in one way or another. In the way we choose to spend our time and hard earned money. A person who spends time wisely learning new skills and habits that is beneficial for life is in some regard a good investor whilst someone who squanders time and resources on things of little value or meaning can be categorised as a bad investor.

A form of investing can be seen in our day to day activities of daily living, we choose to invest time building relationships with those we love, and the things that bring meaning to us. Occasionally we choose to sacrifice and invest time in a “job” that we hate only for the dollar. Like it or not, we are all investors and students of life.

Investing in stocks/ shares, equities, property and commodities — often is stigmatised with fear because there is an association and fear of losing dollar value over time. And we’ve all had this scary thought before, “What if I lose all my money buying that share?”

The only reason why purchasing shares, stocks and equities is scary is because we can see the price fluctuate on a daily, hourly and per minute basis. One minute it goes up, the next down…

Many things in life actually have that same attribute of fluctuating and changing daily:

  • Our Heart rate changes based on our stress and emotions. Does that mean you’re dying or losing out if it slows down occasionally?
  • Our Superannuation fluctuates in value like the stock market (401K retirement account for the Americans out there).
  • Our Dollar exchange rate fluctuates against other currencies, 24/7 — 365 days a year…
  • The business that we “work” at can have good weeks and bad weeks. Are you aware of the losses for the week? Or are you oblivious to the fact because you trade time for money (AKA salary/wage)?
  • And the House that we live in, can fluctuate in valuation and price.

So is Investing in stocks still Gambling?

In short no… Far from it.

Let me use the example of purchasing a stock/share. When you are investing in stocks, you are actually purchasing a “share” which is a part of the company.

Your share gives you:

  • Voting rights to company decisions carried out by the company board members who represent and work in the shareholders best interests.
  • A claim to the company’s assets especially if the company goes bankrupt or shuts down.
  • and a “share” of the profits which is usually reinvested back into the business or paid out in dividends.

And thus is the beauty of capitalism where you can deploy your dollars into companies who are leveraged by economies of scale, tech, labour and talented leaders to produce goods and services that are beneficial to society. When more value is produced, typically the better the profits — which will increase earnings and the valuation of the company.

In my opinion, investing is far less risky than taking on a student loan and then working a lifetime to repay that loan… Because why would I bet on myself than on highly talented CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Geoff Bezos and Larry Page (and all the brilliant minds they tend to hire).

The same goes for the risk of taking on a massive home loan into a depreciating asset like a house? Remember the banks earn big money from your interest repayments over 30 years.

Investing and getting free money can be as easy or complicated as we want it to be.

Sure it can be difficult to time the market, predict the future or value companies correctly. But I’m here to tell you that in this modern day and age, technology has made it dead simple for everyone to invest, safely, responsibly and cheaply.

By the way on a side note, if you want a quick crash course on how to value companies checkout this free course on value investing by Preston Psych. Value investing is by far the first strategy I recommend learning if you really want to get into the game.

Easy Investing into Indexes and ETFs

For those who want to make things simple, not have to pick individuals stocks and companies and want to get their skin in the game. You’ll be glad to know that there is a super simple way to begin investing. And the answer is in Index Funds and ETFs…

Put simply, an Index Fund or ETF is a fund that tracks a number of companies or follows a particular strategy or idea.

Think of it like buying a single share that buys many companies or a basket of companies for you.

For Australians, buying the ETF that is IOZ or VAS means buying the top 200 companies in Australia such as BHP Billiton, Westpac Bank, Qantas etc.

For Americans it can be simply buying the S&P 500 index which is the 500 biggest companies in America. VOO, SPY are examples of these ETFs which allows you to average your money into companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft etc.

In fact, the S&P 500 index has outperformed many financial advisers out there who collect expensive fees to invest in them. Meaning these professionals can sometimes under-perform the broad market.

And you can sell them like any share, anytime and buy them anytime.

And here’s the magic of purchasing indexes and ETFs

S&P 500 Performance over the Years

The chart above is the S&P 500 index which is again the largest 500 companies in America. If you had stayed invested and ignored price fluctuations you would have made an absolute killing in capital returns.

Why is investing like this possible?

This is because:

  • Great Companies grow more efficient and bigger overtime.
  • The Dollar Shrinks in Value Overtime (Inflation).
  • Innovation changes and new profitable businesses emerges (Take the Internet era for example).
  • Economies grow over time, meaning more spending and consuming of goods and services.

There are ETFs and Indexes for many different strategies, styles and preferences. You’ll be able to find one that suits your particular need.

One of my favourites is the Vanguard Technology ETF which is VGT. Which invests in a basket of technology companies like Mastercard, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm.

Investing with Millennial Money

Now, I know what you’re gonna say next.

“But what if I don’t have much to invest?”

“I only have a few dollars in my bank account”

Over the years, technology has made those excuses irrelevant.

I’m a firm believer that technology democratizes the world, by making what was previously accessible to the elite available for all.

Think about it, the invention of the smartphone made supercomputers available in the palms of our hands. Uber gave all of us personal drivers and AirBnB made everyone with a home a hotel owner.

And now technology has come in the form of financial inclusion. It is enabling the minimal wage earner access to financial instruments previously available to the rich and powerful.

Raiz allows you to have a financial manager or build a balanced investment portfolio with your spare change.

Spaceship allows you to invest as much or as little as you want into fast growing companies that will shape the future of this planet.

A company like Stake allows users to purchase fractional shares in small amounts. Which means you could buy only one tenth of Amazon or Uber stock. Or buy $20 worth of Nike stock.

The technology behind Bitcoin allows anybody on this planet with an internet connection to pretty much be their own bank. A huge step in the sovereign individual thesis. And company's like BlockFi is allowing users to earn up to 10% interests on deposits.

These technologies are bringing power to the individual by enabling you to invest with minimal costs. Bear in mind that our parents did not have access to this and had to resort to utilising brokers and paying fund managers or mutual funds to invest money for them.

More About the Free Money Apps

I’ll write more about them at a later time… Will update this page…

In the meantime here’s a summary.


Raiz, allows you to purchase an investment portfolio with literally your spare change. They link up with your bank account and deduct a small amount according to your choice every-time you make a purchase.

With that money they buy into indexes such as Americas top companies (iShares Core IVV), Asia's best companies (Asia 50 ETF IAA)and Australia's leading companies (S&P 200 STW). They also invest into the Australian Government, corporate bonds as well as European stocks.

With Raiz you can choose from different portfolios going from conservative to aggressive depending on your risk tolerance. And they have an awesome rewards program with some of the largest Australian retailers such as Ebay, JBHifi, David Jones etc. Every time you buy a product from these companies a percentage of your spending goes into your investment account.

It’s a no brainer that if you put $5 into Raiz every month — you’ll be sending me thank you cards in 15 years time.


Spaceship, allows you to purchase a portfolio or index of stocks that they analyse to be shaping the course of the future. These allows you to invest small amounts at a time in great companies like Afterpay, Tesla, Google, Amazon, Visa, Netflix etc.

An Example of Spaceship

The difference between Spaceship and Raiz, is that Spaceship only buys stocks whilst Raiz invests in Government fixed income bonds and corporate bonds.

They each have very low fees, and simply put is worth it as they allow you to invest small money and do not charge whenever you sell. Unlike Commsec which charges upwards of $12–16 every-time you buy or make a transaction… How is that even a thing in this day and age, bloody banks.


Stake makes it simple, easy and convenient for Australians to invest into American companies at a low price and their app is so simple to use I’ve even taught my little sister how to use it. You can purchase fractional shares meaning you could but $30 worth of Facebook stock.

Check out their SIPC Insurance!

Up Banking

Up Bank is an initiative by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank in creating a mobile bank that’s user friendly and more attractive to use for personal financial planning. This means that banking is no longer boring with Up. Tracking your spending and earning interest has never been easier and fun.

Up Bank

BlockFi &

Earn Interest on Crypto US Dollar and Bitcoin

For those who know me, I’ve been a bitcoin bull for sometime, and I firmly believe that digital assets will continually grow in market-cap and become less fringe of an asset class. Blockfi and enable you to earn interest on your crypto deposits. Similar to earning bank interest. For those who are afraid of price fluctuations — there are digital currencies that are literally synthetic US dollars.

The cool part about them is that they continue to add compelling products to their arsenal. One example is the Visa cards that come with a loaded set of features and rewards system. choice of Visa cards!

Other Investing Tips and Pointers

  • Know the difference between High Risk and Low Risk Companies
  • Do not try to time the market
  • It pays off to be an early bird/ believer in something the world doesn't yet know it needs.
  • Be Fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful (Warren Buffet)
  • Keep a very low time preference
  • All good things in life come from compounding interest, small amounts grow overtime to produce snow balling returns
  • Everybody is a genius when it doesn't matter

Get Free Money Here…

Raiz: (Get $5–$10 easily, hassle free — small deposit required)

Stake: or referral code waynes524 (Get a free Stock which you can sell or trade for dollars or another stock — very tiny deposit required)

Spaceship: use promo code S8TH2F1P9W (Get a quick $5 — Minute deposit needed)

Up Bank: (Obtain $10 tiny deposit required)

BlockFi: One of my favourite companies of all time and you’ll soon find out why. (They’ll give you $10–$100 however large deposit required) : or my referral code x6etfsup3f (Easiest $50 — fairly large deposit is needed)



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